Job Assistance Packages

At The Triad, we offer a very genuine pricing structure for Job Assistance Packages that ensures you get exceptional value for your investment. We believe in giving our clients actual value, and after you use our services, you will see the impact we can make in your career journey. Our writing and design, digital branding, and Job Assistance Services have been methodically created to meet your various demands, allowing you to prosper in the digital age. We are committed to maximising your actual potential, from creating captivating resumes and optimising your web presence to delivering thorough job readiness training and personalised career coaching. Moreover, below are our true value packages, encompassing a range of services to suit your specific requirements. If you have additional services in mind, our experts are here to understand your goals and tailor a bespoke package at a reasonable price.

1. One-on-One Consultation Package

• Personalized Guidance: Get personalized career guidance and advice tailored to your specific needs and aspirations through a one-on-one consultation with our expert career advisors.

• Career Assessment: Gain insights into your career goals, strengths, and areas for improvement during the consultation to make informed decisions about your professional journey.

• Resume/CV Review: Receive valuable feedback on your current resume/CV, along with suggestions for improvements to increase its effectiveness and impact.

• Career Roadmap: Walk away with a clear roadmap for your career, outlining actionable steps to achieve your short-term and long-term goals.



2. Job Search Package - Rs 299+ 1/3rd of your first full salary:

• Personalized Job Matching: We understand your career goals and aspirations, and we'll provide you with a curated list of job openings that align with your skills and interests.

• Direct Resume Submission: With your consent, we'll submit your resume/CV to HR departments of various companies that match your profile, increasing your chances of getting noticed.

• Acting as an Intermediary: We act as a bridge between you and potential employers, ensuring a smooth communication process during the application and interview stages.

• Success-Based Pricing: Our unique payment model ensures your satisfaction. You only pay us a fee if you secure the job. If you're selected, you'll pay us 1/3rd (equivalent to 10 days' salary) of your first full salary received from the new job.

• Regular Updates: Stay informed about the progress of your applications. We'll keep you updated on responses from companies, interviews scheduled, and any feedback received.

• Flexible Support: Our team is here to answer your questions and provide assistance throughout your job search journey

• We'll act as a bridge, ensuring a smooth connection between you and employers. It's important to note that while we facilitate the communication, the client will be responsible for interacting directly with the employer, including handling selection or rejection matters.

3. Career Guidance Package

• Personalized Career Assessment: Embark on a journey of self-discovery with our personalized career assessment, designed to understand your interests, values, skills, and aspirations.

• In-Depth Profiling: Benefit from in-depth profiling and analysis of your unique qualities, strengths, and areas of improvement to gain clarity about your career direction.

• Career Path Exploration: Explore various career paths and industries that align with your interests and skill set, opening up a world of possibilities for your professional journey.

• Goal Setting: Define clear and achievable career goals, supported by our expert career advisors who guide crafting a roadmap to success.

• Career Roadmap: Receive a comprehensive career roadmap, outlining the steps to achieve your goals and overcome potential challenges.

• Skill Development: Identify areas for skill development and upskilling, ensuring you stay competitive and adaptable in the ever-evolving job market.

• One-on-One Consultation: Engage in one-on-one consultations with our career advisors to discuss your assessment results, career roadmap, and any career-related queries.



4. SWOC Guidance Package

• SWOC Analysis: Gain insights into your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges through a comprehensive SWOC analysis conducted by our experienced career advisors.

• Personalized Action Plan: Receive a personalized action plan based on your SWOC analysis, outlining actionable steps to capitalize on your strengths, overcome weaknesses, leverage opportunities, and tackle challenges.

• Career Alignment: Align your career aspirations with your SWOC analysis to make informed decisions about your professional path and growth opportunities.

• Goal Setting: Set clear and achievable short-term and long-term career goals, backed by a deep understanding of your strengths and the challenges you may face.

• Skill Development: Identify skill gaps and explore avenues for skill development and enhancement to stay relevant and competitive in your industry.

• Progress Tracking: Regularly review and track your progress towards your career goals, making adjustments as needed to ensure success. One-on-One Consultation: Engage in one-on-one consultations with our career advisors to discuss your SWOC analysis, action plan, and any career-related queries.



5. Mock Interview Package

• Customized Mock Interviews: Experience realistic mock interviews tailored to your specific job role and industry, conducted by our skilled interviewers.

• Behavioural and Technical Questions: Prepare for a wide range of behavioural and technical questions commonly asked during interviews in your field.

• Performance Evaluation: Receive comprehensive feedback and constructive criticism on your interview performance to identify areas of improvement.

• Interview Strategies: Learn effective interview strategies and techniques to boost your confidence and impress potential employers.

• Industry Insights: Gain valuable insights into current industry trends and employer expectations to better align your responses during interviews.

• Personalized Tips: Benefit from personalized tips and recommendations to enhance your communication skills and presentation style.

• Flexible Scheduling: Choose from flexible time slots that suit your convenience and availability.



6. Job Readiness Training Package

• Comprehensive Skill Development: Enhance your professional skills through our job readiness training program, covering essential aspects like communication, interview techniques, and soft skills.

• Mock Interviews: Gain valuable experience and confidence with mock interviews conducted by our experienced professionals, providing personalized feedback to help you excel in actual interviews.

• Resume Enhancement: Receive expert guidance on refining and optimizing your resume to make it stand out in the eyes of employers.

• LinkedIn Profile Review: Get your LinkedIn profile reviewed by our experts, ensuring it reflects your professional achievements and potential.

• Personalized Career Guidance: Our one-on-one career guidance sessions help you identify and pursue the right career path based on your interests, skills, and aspirations.

• Flexible Scheduling: Choose from flexible training schedules to accommodate your needs and availability.



7. Job Assistance Combo Package

• Self-Assessment: Discover your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges through a SWOC analysis to gain valuable insights into your career potential.

• Goal Setting: Define clear and achievable career goals based on your SWOC analysis to set yourself on the path to success.

• Action Plan: Create a detailed action plan with actionable steps to leverage your strengths, overcome weaknesses, and seize opportunities.

• Interview Simulation: Practice and refine your interview skills through realistic mock interview sessions conducted by our expert interviewers.

• Feedback and Coaching: Receive constructive feedback and personalized coaching to improve your interview performance and boost your confidence.

• Common Questions: Gain exposure to common interview questions and learn how to answer them effectively to leave a lasting impression on employers.

• Resume/CV Enhancement: Get expert guidance on optimizing your resume/CV to make it stand out and effectively showcase your skills and achievements.

• Cover Letter Writing: Craft a compelling cover letter that complements your resume and highlights your motivation and suitability for the job.

• Professional Profile Creation: Craft a powerful and professional LinkedIn profile.

• Job Search Strategies: Learn effective job search strategies, including online job portals, networking, and industry-specific approaches.

• Professional Branding: Discover the importance of personal branding and develop a professional online presence to attract potential employers.



8. The Ultimate Career Success Combo Package

At The Triad, we believe in empowering our clients with comprehensive support to ensure their career success. Our Ultimate Career Success Combo Package is thoughtfully designed to cover every aspect of your professional journey, providing you with all the tools and guidance you need to thrive in your career. With this package, we take care of everything from crafting a compelling resume/CV to revamping your LinkedIn profile, offering job assistance, and providing lifetime career guidance. You can rest assured that our team of experts will be your dedicated partner every step of the way.

Package Includes:

a. Resume/CV Building:

• Expertly Crafted Resume/CV: Our experienced writers will create a tailored resume/CV that highlights your skills, achievements, and experience effectively.

• ATS Optimization: Ensure your resume/CV passes the recruiters' Applicant Tracking System.

• Professional Design: Present yourself with a visually appealing and impactful resume/CV.

• One-on-One Consultation: Personalized consultation with our resume expert to understand your career goals.

b. LinkedIn Profile Revamp:

• Professional Profile Creation: Craft a powerful and captivating LinkedIn profile.

• Keyword Optimization: Highlight your skills with top-ranking keywords.

• Comprehensive Makeover: Enhance your profile with a complete bio, headline, and cover photo revamp.

• ATS Compliant: Ensure your LinkedIn profile meets ATS requirements.

• Eye-catching Cover Photo: A visually appealing cover photo aligned with your personal brand.

c. Job Assistance Services:

• Job Readiness Training: Comprehensive skill development to enhance your professional skills, communication, and soft skills.

• Mock Interviews: Experience realistic mock interviews with personalized feedback to excel in actual interviews.

• Resume Enhancement: Expert guidance to refine and optimize your resume for increased impact.

• Personalized Career Guidance: One-on-one career guidance sessions to discuss your goals and aspirations.

d. Career Guidance up to 3 years:

• SWOC Analysis: Gain insights into your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges through a comprehensive SWOC analysis conducted by our experienced career advisors.

• Personalized Action Plan: Receive a personalized action plan based on your SWOC analysis, outlining actionable steps for career growth.

• Career Roadmap: Create a clear and achievable career roadmap, supported by regular progress tracking and adjustments.

• Skill Development: Identify skill gaps and explore avenues for skill enhancement throughout your career.

• One-on-One Consultation: Engage in ongoing one-on-one consultations with our career advisors as you navigate your career journey.

e. Add-On:

• In addition to the Ultimate Career Success Combo Package, you also have the option to include our Job Search Package. With this added service, we will not only assist you in forwarding your resume to HR for suitable job opportunities but also share various job vacancies that match your profile. It's important to note that if you secure a job through this assistance, a success fee of 1/3rd (equivalent to 10 days' salary) of your first full salary received from the new job will apply in addition to the package charges. This way, you can further enhance your career prospects while ensuring our shared commitment to your success.



With The Ultimate Career Success Combo Package, you can be confident that you are equipped with the best resources and guidance to succeed in today's competitive job market. Let The Triad be your steadfast companion as you unlock your true potential and achieve lasting professional success.

(Remember, beyond these packages, we're here to cater to your specific requirements. Discuss your needs with our experts, and we'll be delighted to offer you a personalized solution at a reasonable price. Partner with The Triad to unlock your true potential and embark on a successful and fulfilling career journey!)